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178KB 150KB 191KB
葉書: Postcard
Red rose, red is to be passion and rose is to be love, Only a rose might be able to make you move.
葉書: Postcard
Yellow rose: in the language of flowers, it is jealousy, its color is full of gentleness.
葉書: Postcard
Sunflower: looking deeply toward to the Sun, feeling pleasure to bloom!
95KB 131KB 51KB
葉書 Postcard
Tradescantia reflexa: feel the atmosphere of June?
掲示板 (c)ドラえもん: BB DORAEMON(c)
学校での掲示板 ドラえもんイラスト 「清潔に気をつけよ!」
School BB. Illustration of Dramemon "Take yourself clean - No Germs!"
運動会: Sports Festival
an illustration for Sports Festival at an elementary school

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